How to make English page

When it comes to be able to make a usual, Japanese homepage, let's make an English page (English site). If only the alphabet and the figure (ASCII character) of normal-width are used, any personal computer is first displayed without trouble. However, the double-byte space etc. tend to enter. Notes when an English page was made were written.

To make an English page (English site)

What one is an English page?It is a page to be brief using only an alphabet, a figure of normal-width, and a basic sign (ASCII character). If the character used is an alphabet, a figure of normal-width, and a sign alone basic, the character-code is not problem even if it is what.

Actually, there are a lot of things that the character-code is not specified at all in homepage of Europe and America. The page made only from an alphabet, a figure, and a basic sign is basically recognized an English page if it describes it in English.

Problem of garble

However, if the specification of the character-code is not adequate when there are Japanese etc. , the garble might be generated. The problem of the garble happens when there are an em-size character etc. because Shift-JIS and UTF-8 can display Japanese.

If the character used is an alphabet, a figure of normal-width, and a sign (ASCII character) alone basic, the character-code is not problem even if it is what. Please compulsorily make the character-code ISO-8859-1 by browsers such as IE and Firefox and look. There is no problem if there is no garble. It is recognized as an English page, and it is displayed by what browser all over the world and the personal computer without trouble.

Specification of adequate character-code

So as not to cause the garble, let's set the character-code with the meta tag as follows. This is written at the head of the head tag. There is occasionally a page written after the title tag, and the title might be garbled.

When displaying it by the homepage creation software and a browser, the garble can be checked beforehand if the meta tag is specified as follows. The place in which it sees it is understood at once if it garbles.

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">

The specification of English in the writing part of the HTML file does as follows. The example of XHTML 1.0 Transitional is shown as follows.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" />

It may be better to set a character code to "utf-8", if the page of not only English but many languages is due to be created in the future. Even if there is only English, it does not matter even if it specifies "utf-8". Recently, the page of "utf-8" has increased.

To check the source code is important.

There is no problem if an English page is made at the time of beginning, and the case to usually change on an existing Japanese page and to make an English page is easy.

In this case, the deletion of the em-size character and the translation forgetting in English are frequently generated. Japanese is not to exist only in the seen part. It is easy to overlook it is an alternative text of the image etc. The [alt ="explanation of the image"] comes out, this doesn't come out on a usual screen. There might be Japanese also in the title tag and the meta tag.

Let's check whether the HTML source is edited directly, and it is not or very the leakage. Do not erase tag carelessly. It is very important to see the source because it doesn't see it in the specification of the style and the font and edits such as the META tag and the TITLE tag on the design screen.

How to set blank in sentence

Even if half angle space is arranged, it is not possible to display it well though it is possible to do easily by arranging the double-byte space for a Japanese page in the place where the screen is laid out, and blanks a few in the sentence are necessary. In this case, special character "&nbsp;" is input by the source edit.

Method of inputting special character often used (entity reference)

The special character often used can be displayed in the following character entity reference by a browser to which it supports since HTML4.x.

"=&quot;   Quotation mark

&=&amp;   Ampersand

<=&lt;   Sign of inequality(smallness or more)

>=&gt;   Sign of inequality(largeness or more)

 =&nbsp;   No break space

=&pound;   Pound sign

\=&yen;   Yen sign

μ=&micro;   Micro sign

Δ=&Delta;   Capital letter delta

Θ=&Theta;   Capital letter Sheeta

Σ=&Sigma;   Capital letter sigma

Φ=&Phi;   Capital letter [fai]

Ω=&Omega;   Capital letter ω

α=&alpha;   β=&beta;   γ=&gamma;   δ=&delta;   ε=&epsilon;   ζ=&zeta;   η=&eta;   θ=&theta;   ι=&iota;   κ=&kappa;   λ=&lambda;   μ=&mu;   ν=&nu;   ξ=&xi;   ο=&omicron;   π=&pi;   ρ=&rho;   σ=&sigma;   τ=&tau;   υ=&upsilon;   φ=&phi;   χ=&chi;   ψ=&psi;   ω=&omega;

Method of making English page using translation site

An English page can be easily made by using this because there is a site translated on a browser. If the excitement translation and the Google translation are used, it is easy.

Only because the link is put on the page, it is possible to do very easily by translating the top page of the site.